
Enjoying time together

Pictures from the Playground

Pictures from the Playground
making new friends and taking turns

Recess is a blast!

Recess is a blast!
Many friends!!!

Second Grade Teachers

Second Grade Teachers
We are a great team!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our first day of School

We had such a great first day! I know that things are starting on somewhat of a "bumpy" note with all of the budget cuts and whatnot...But I was certainly thrilled to have all 21 of my students here in class. We have 13 boys and 8 girls...yup a little unbalanced but still great! Thanks for all you have done to make things go well. I understand that next week our county will release a new calendar with adjustments made on it and sadly we have been informed that some cuts will have to be made within each building if funding isn't we will see. I would certainly hate to see JWW lose anyone. I already love this group so much. They are precious and full of personality. I am looking forward to starting all of our subjects next week. Please feel free to write me notes in the planner and let me know if you have any questions so far. I hope your children came home excited about their school year.

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