
Enjoying time together

Pictures from the Playground

Pictures from the Playground
making new friends and taking turns

Recess is a blast!

Recess is a blast!
Many friends!!!

Second Grade Teachers

Second Grade Teachers
We are a great team!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Do you remember your first visit with Santa?

Well if you do, did it look like this??? Poor little Aubrey doesn't realize how totally wonderful and awesome Santa really is. She looks much happier with her daddy, don't you think?

Our Feast and Program for Thanksgiving was awesome!

We made homemade butter in our class and parents furnished the cornbread. A special presentation for our parents was done by students and it was an excellent way to begin the Thanksgiving season! It was a wonderful experience! Thanks to all that helped as well!!!

Mrs. Black's Class filled their "Good Behavior" marble jar

After a few months of working hard to fill the "good behavior" marble jar. The class was treated to a pizza and soda party while watching Pixar Flicks. Mrs. Black brought brownies and Kade Yocum's mom sent in "Holy Cow Cake" which was a very big hit. We had a great time and now they say that they are ready to fill another jar!!! We will see!

State Rep. William Lamberth talks to class about Government

A second grader in Mrs. Vinson's class invited our new State Representative William Lamberth to come and talk to the second graders about local and state government and what they do. Second graders had just completed a unit on government and it was a nice experience to have him visit and also answer questions.

A Classmate of ours won the Wheels in Motion Bike

Congratulations to Matthew Maynard in our class for being selected to receive the bicycle at J.W. Wiseman. This is a very high honor and we are most proud of him. On top of that, Matthew got a brand new haircut and many of his family members were able to attend the presentation which made him very proud. It was a wonderful day for him and we are all proud of him.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mrs. Black had Trick or Treaters from our Class

I always love having kids from school come to my house....I know we live "way out" and it is very hard to make all the rounds, but I always enjoy seeing the costumes! I had a visit from Cooper and Faith. Of course I had to add Ava and Garrett's picture in here too.Along with little Aubrey my 9 month old grandbaby in Ohio.

Our Fall Book Prop Reports were a hit!!!

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Working Dog Presentation

After our story this week of Tara and Tiree and exploring how dogs help in our lives, we were very lucky to have one of our classmates invite their grandparents to school to share their working dog. We learned this week that dogs have a keen sense of smell and hearing and are wonderful at helping those with special needs. Anna's grandmother shared how her working dog watches over her carefully with a medical condition she deals with every day. We also learned that a dog has natural instincts that humans don't have and can often times save lives. Anna was very proud of this visit and the entire second grade class enjoyed the presentation very much.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Taste from the Islands

While we were studying landforms...our discussion of islands came up and I always share my life in Hawaii when I was in the second grade. This is always a fun story for me to share and one I think my students enjoy hearing. I brought them some Li Hing Mango to sample as one of my childhood treats and told them why children ate it. Be sure to ask your children about the experience,...they wrote about it in their journals. Great fun!

Math "Team Time"

A couple of times per week, we have "Team Time", and the children work hard at solving math problems together cooperatively! This can be a challenge from time to time. Looking for clue words and remembering related facts is always helpful. We get better and better each time we work on this. It is amazing how much they can learn from each other.

Mrs. Black visits Ohio to see Aubrey

I thought I would squeeze a couple of pics of my grandbaby Aubrey from the weekend visit we made. Ava went with they had some great girl fun!

Friday, August 31, 2012

PHS presents Live Wax Figures to Wiseman

We enjoyed the students of Mrs. Linda Starnes on Friday, August 31st as they presented their dramatic presentations of live wax characters for Wiseman Students. It was greatly enjoyed by everyone.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our first day of School

We had such a great first day! I know that things are starting on somewhat of a "bumpy" note with all of the budget cuts and whatnot...But I was certainly thrilled to have all 21 of my students here in class. We have 13 boys and 8 girls...yup a little unbalanced but still great! Thanks for all you have done to make things go well. I understand that next week our county will release a new calendar with adjustments made on it and sadly we have been informed that some cuts will have to be made within each building if funding isn't we will see. I would certainly hate to see JWW lose anyone. I already love this group so much. They are precious and full of personality. I am looking forward to starting all of our subjects next week. Please feel free to write me notes in the planner and let me know if you have any questions so far. I hope your children came home excited about their school year.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Delay of School

After all the excitement of registration and seeing so many excited saddens me that our first day of our school year has been delayed. After attending the meeting Monday night in Gallatin I was sad to hear that there was no solution to the problems facing our county's budget crisis. In my vision, the children are the ones who suffer from this delay and we need to get things settled soon to provide a wonderful school year for these children this year and for years to come. There is nothing more valuable than their education.
I hope to see my students in class very, very soon. This is a view of the large attendance of concerned teachers, parents, and citizens at the meeting.

Registration for 2012-13 School Year

Registration was held for 2 evenings here at Wiseman and it was great to see the new students that will be in my class this year. I'm so very excited to see each of you on the first day of school. Here are a couple of our classmates with their family members. Do you know them???

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Taste of Hawaii

I lived in Hawaii when I was in the second grade and developed a taste for island candy known as Li Hing Mui...made from a dried plum seed. There is a history of it and actually was brought to the islands from Japan. They even flavor it on mango. Therefore, I thought it only fitting for my children to experience it too. Many loved it and others ...well, it wasn't their favorite...but they had fun trying it!

Mrs. Black Shares her visit to Seal Beach with the class

Over Spring Break...I went to Seal Beach in California and was able to view one of the most amazing sights ever. The story of the elephant seal is quite interesting. AFter sharing pictures with the class...we all enjoyed a video that made it all come to life. The kids enjoyed the presentation very much.