
Enjoying time together

Pictures from the Playground

Pictures from the Playground
making new friends and taking turns

Recess is a blast!

Recess is a blast!
Many friends!!!

Second Grade Teachers

Second Grade Teachers
We are a great team!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Penguin Study

After having a short week of school...we completed our little mini unit on Penguins by making some cute ones filled with facts. Be sure to check out the facts your child learned about penguins this week. Aren't they cute?

Valentine Boxes were Amazing!!!

We had an awesome Valentine's Day! Not only did we enjoy Math Madness...but we had some of the most unique Valentine boxes...EVER!Check them out!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Water Map presented by Mr. Black

While our class is studying maps, globes, geography, map keys and other land forms, we invited Mr. Black to come and share his recent journey down the Atlantic Coast on a boat that took him 4 days. He shared how the map was quite a bit different from a road map or atlas as there are no roads in the water. Then we enjoyed seeing his pictures that he took on his journey. He even saw a black bear on the shore. The class really enjoyed this presentation.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Team Time at Math is the best!!!

We are enjoying studying about Geometry this month. The class enjoyed making solid figures out of snack treats with their teams cooperatively. Learning is so much at its best when we work together.